Become a Kiwanis Member

Have you been looking to do some volunteering for good causes in your community?

Do you like helping kids, having fun and feeling like you made a difference?

Why not consider joining us and become a member of our Kiwanis club?

Annual dues are $160 for Kiwanis International membership and its benefits and for Schenectady Kiwanis membership. Depending upon when in the year a member joins, the dues can be prorated.

We are looking for members who want to be positive contributors to our club. Attending meetings, participating in activities, and being respectful and supportive of one another is essential.

We are meeting twice a month virtually, which is a big plus for those of us who work. Before covid, we met in person at a restaurant for lunch, and all of us who work are glad to be able to participate in meetings without a drive and time away from the job, not to mention the expense of lunches out.

We typically do one service project a month, with our outreach efforts targeting nonprofits in the community who serve children. We may do a collection of something they need, or a volunteer project to tackle a task they need done.

Our board meetings are once a month. Our fundraising activities aim to be quarterly, with money raised going to our foundation to be given in grants at the end of each year.

Let us invite you to an upcoming meeting or event so that we can get to know each other. Please email [email protected] or visit us on Facebook for more information, or simply submit the form above if you are already ready.
